The Many Uses of "Send to Kindle"

This post comes to you solely because I began noticing that my Smashwords titles were not archived across my Kindle connected devices, and some of them disappeared from the device I originally downloaded them on. There might be an easier way to fix this problem than what I am about to tell you, but I haven’t looked any further into it yet (mainly because I already knew about “Send to Kindle” and only read ebooks on the Kindle app). If you know of an easier way or want to see a post about similar problems with other ereaders, leave a comment below or email me at

I’m not just writing this post because of the Smashwords issue, though. Send to Kindle is an awesome tool that has multiple applications. Whether you are simply an avid reader, an author, or even a student, this post will help you get a lot more functionality out of your Kindle apps.

Effectively downloading mobi(Kindle) files from Smashwords:

When you purchase a title from Smashwords, the site allows you to choose which file format you want to download for use. You can download the book in every format if you want, but you will most likely only want to get the format you regularly use when viewing ebooks. I’m going to focus specifically on the Kindle format.

Originally, I downloaded my first title from Smashwords on my home computer and opened it with my Kindle app. Then, when I tried to find it to read on the Kindle app on my iPad, it was nowhere to be found, even in the cloud saved titles. So, I logged into Smashwords with my iPad, downloaded the book again, and from there opened it with my Kindle app. I still couldn’t see the book on my other Kindle connected devices, but it didn’t really bother me because I usually only read ebooks on my iPad. And I figured that if I needed the book on another device for a family member down the road, I could always just download the book again. No big deal.

Here comes the part that brought this post to life. I had read about 75% of the book I downloaded when one day it vanished from my device. You will remember that the book never uploaded to the Amazon cloud for some strange reason, so, after a few failed attempts at content recovery, I deemed it claimed by the guardians (any Halo fans?). It was around this time that I remembered using “Send to Kindle” to send pdfs to the Kindle app from my computer to read on the go. So, I surfed on over to amazon and downloaded an update for the “Send to Kindle” app on my computer. From there all I had to do was find the mobi file of the Smashwords ebook in my “Downloaded” folder, open it in the “Send to KIndle” app, and send it to my Amazon account. Presto, the ebook was now on my cloud as well as on my iPad (after I opened it in the kindle app). No more disappearing books.

I’m not sure how widespread this problem is, but you now have the answer if you ever run across it.

Other useful applications:

Amazon has thrown some awesome functionality into this app. When you go to download it, you find that "Send to Kindle" is now much more than just an application on your desktop. It can now install on your web browsers to easily send articles and other content to your kindle devices for later reading. It even has the ever more popular "drag-and-drop" feature for improved app interface. There is so much content out there on the web, and "Send to Kindle" gives us all one more way to save all that great information for better access.

Before I end this post, I just wanted to give you a few ideas for using "Send to Kindle." I won't go into the exact details of how to install and download the app in this post. If that is information you need and can't seem to find elsewhere, leave a comment or send me an email. Now for the useful ideas:
  • Save maps, receipts, or important instructions for later use. You can download the files to your phone app and access them offline when you need them. (I did this for a cruise so I had excursion schedules and directions when I needed them.)
  • Download articles for later study. Kindle lets you highlight and bookmark important details.
  • Upload copies of school papers or writing projects to proofread on the go. (You can't do any editing this way, but I find editing unmanageable on mobile devices anyway.)

I know that most of you will think, "I can just use google drive or save web pages as a bookmarked tab." The big advantage with using the kindle for keeping minor files is the offline capabilities and the connectivity between devices. You won't always have internet access (get over your shock), so make use of the different technologies to make your life easier.

Thanks for reading!

Zach Larson

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